Tag Archives: mayi carles

Life is messy, I know eh?

As I sit here covered in ink and massaging my very sore forearm muscle from all this fabric cutting I am proof life is messy. As we move into 2013 I’ve decided to take the plunge and finally sign up for something I’ve debated for a while. Click image to find out what it’s all about.


Mayi Carles has come great advice and wisdom to share about growing your own business. If you click around her Heartmade blog there’s lots of resources and information about focusing, and learning, and expanding your business and well, a whole ton of things.

As 2013 starts and many people launch into setting goals and reflecting on 2012 I loved her post about realistic goal setting. Basically, she says set little tiny goals for each day so that you can achieve them easily (and go beyond) and not end up beating yourself up as you fall asleep for letting yourself down (haven’t we all been there?). She mentions if you’re a writer committing to writing 1 word a day, which is ridiculously easy to check off your to do list, but I know if that was my goal I’d want to write 1000 times that just to feel super excited about how awesome I am.

I figure if her free advice is that useful and speaks to me so well, her bootcamp can only get better.