Tag Archives: card swap

Card swap package!!!

I’ve been so excited thinking about all the fun things I have coming in the mail it totally slipped my mind that my cards were coming too!  It’s funny they arrived today because just this morning I checked Missy’s site to see when she mailed them.   Not only were there 1o awesome new to me cards in the package but the package itself was sooo pretty!

There were 10 neat cards inside.  I was really fun to see what everyone made and some of the techniques they used.

Here’s a closer view of some of my favs.  Loving the little monsters from Cat, I have to find this stamp set!  The little girl one is just super cute  (pleeeeaaaaase tell me who made it someone!).  I love the idea of making a pinwheel out of double sided paper, simple and neat.  The flower card was made on fabric complete with beads and stitching.  The last one was just so nice and colourful, complete with sparkles, thanks Lorrain!

Thank you Cynthia, I’m embarrassed to say I don’t remember which card your info fell out of!

I should have taken a photo of the ones I sent out.  I did get an email from Robin telling me she liked my card.