And now from my friend Janee!

Happy April Friends!

Today I have a very very special treat for you. I {in collaboration with many other lovely ladies} am giving away a 16GB iPad Mini! No joke. No April fools. For real!!

 {{{Source | Pizzaz by me}}}

Why you ask? For several reasons::: To say thank you to you my beloved readers. To celebrate Yellow Bird + Yellow Beard blog reaching 2000 followers. 2000. I can hardly believe it. Thank you SO MUCH. To celebrate over 1000 posts. And finally to celebrate my golden birthday! I’m turning 26 on the 26th of April.

Who are these amazing women who have contributed to this monumental celebration? They are as follows. Please, I implore you, visit them. Say hi to them. Follow them. They are all more than worthy of your time, guaranteed.

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