Goodbye summer.

Well this is it, it’s over for yet another year.

This summer wasn’t my usual relaxing summer. I found it really busy with a 5 year old and 3 year old to keep busy. Go figure. I spent a lot of time at splash pads, parks, play places, beaches and just generally out and about. Which is fine, I had books, iPad, crafting and texting to keep me company but it was still very busy. I don’t remember last summer being like that and a 4 and 2 year old are more work in some ways.

But alas, it has come to an end. Now our 5 year old is going off to Grade 1 and our 3 year old is going to *start* school with all day JK. I’m totally flabbergasted at where the time has gone! At the same time it’s a great change and I love fall. I’m going to have 2 afternoons off a week (I know I’ve said this over and over but I’m just so excited) and I plan on furthering my weight loss with some gym time. Then I’ll come home, eat a healthy lunch and work on this little SewTara thing.

It’s going to be a good year I think.

Enjoy the last day of summer!

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