Tag Archives: style scool

Friday’s productivity.

This was my pile of crafts and related to dos that I brought up to the kitchen table figuring I could get more done upstairs while home with the kids.

Considering we spent the morning at a drop in play, stopped at Staples, came home for Nate’s nap, and I took the kids to indoor play for about 1 1/2 this evening I had a pretty productive  creative day!  They didn’t have baths like I planned but a load of laundry got done, the dishwasher was unloaded and reloaded and dinner was made . . . wait! I even swept and mopped the floors!

I finished this Style School project from way back when.  I found the clip board while poking around in a drawer and it was perfect for what I wanted.

I got a start on the bean bags I’ve been wanting to make for the kids.  Had the letters cut out for a while, so I was able to stick them to my Steam-a-Seam and line them up on the fabric.  Didn’t actually get to the iron yet, which is in the basement.  See I get things done upstairs!

I’m still unsure about what to use as a filling.  I suppose taking things too literally, I assumed I would just go to Bulk Barn and get beans.  Then I did some reading online and now I’m unsure.  Rice was suggested on one site, even going far enough to say you can wash rice and just air dry it and all will be fine.  Not too sure about that one.  So I’ll research more before the actual filling of the bags.

Didn’t actually mail my Happy Mail envelopes yet but they’re mostly ready to go.  I did send off the little card/note that is to go first.  Put them in a mailbox and everything!  Went to Fabricland and got some interfacing and minky stuff for more baby blankies.  I bought sticker paper at Staples and printed the fun free designs Elsie gave us at the end of Style School.  I jazzed up the binder I used for that class and updated it since I’m going to use it for Indie 2.0.  I tracked down a tote bag I’ve been looking for.  I didn’t get to embroidering my thrift store cardigan, carving more stamps or embroidering the cover for Nate’s counting book but I’d say I had a pretty darn good day!

OH! and this is my second post today!