Tag Archives: happy mail

Caution: Happy mail may cause happiness.

My package from Brianna arrived the other day.

Such lovely stuff! There were many exclamations of happiness while I unpacked everything! Here’s what I sent her way. I’ll be organizing one of these again for sure.

Winter cleaning happy mail?

I’ve been clearing my work area and I plan on kicking butt on all these half finished projects cluttering up my space. While I was going that I came across a bunch of neglected, unloved supplies. Perfectly good things but I haven’t used them in ages or probably won’t get to using them.

I had the idea of doing a giveaway but then I thought maybe other people are having the same problem and we could set up a swap. I’ve got some things that came as freebies with Etsy orders, or items from other swaps, cute sticky notes, stickers and of course ribbon, fabric and buttons that I’ll probably never get to using!

Sooooo anyone want to play along? Sign up below until Wednesday January 11th. I’ll match us up (open internationally unless you tell me otherwise) and email partners so you can work out addresses and such. I suppose the contents should cost about $10-$15 but I’m hoping we can all just share some neglected creative stuff and pass it on to someone who may be inspired. Of course you can also include a handmade by you item, I know I will.

I was also hoping this post will distract from the fact that I haven’t completed a CreateAlong project in a while . . . next week I’ll reveal all my neglected projects, I promise!

Playing with photos, happy mail and up late once again!

Signed up for a Picnik account yesterday and I’m loving this 1960’s effect they have.  I’m also having fun adding text to images.  Prepare to see funner pictures from now on!  There’s me (finally) hiding behind a morning tea.  I was worried it would take longer to post but it’s really fairly quick and easy to use.  It’s almost making me want to go back and repost all my pics . . . . almost.

I also received my happy mail from Christina.  She’s got this really cool website Craftee (lovin’ the name!).   She sent me some fun stuff, including a really beautiful journal with matching pens. It made me want to doodle and pushed me over the edge into the ‘yes please!’ camp for Elsie and Rachel‘s Tell Your Story class.

Thanks to Indie 2.0 I learned how to make my very own little widgets. I’m so excited. Now I just have to get them up and out there, which will be thanks to my techie hubby. I made a few, any opinions?

I’m going to have a table at this show on May 1st and I’ve been going crazy sewing like a maniac to get a huge pile of things to take and sell.  Since it’s my first show I’ll be getting a feel for what sells and what doesn’t.  There’s less than a month left now and I’m starting to feel the crunch.  Fingers crossed all goes well!  And on that note, 1am is probably a good time to go to bed.

Happy mail package #1, Dainty Squid and ribbon fun!

It’s been a great week for mail here, and it’s only Wednesday!!  This came yesterday, my order from Dainty Squid.

Then this came today, my first package of Happy Mail. I gotta say I was pretty impressed with my fun stuff form Elisa. I was really surprised when I took my package for her to the post office and found out it was going to be $13 to send a package across our wonderful home and native land! But with all the cool stuff she sent, and the smile my gifts will put on her face it’s all worth it!

Theeeeennnn I went to see my photographer friend, Joanna today, and she brought us back some ribbon from her trip to the states. I was all hyped to order this stuff when I found out about it, $2.95 a bag?! tons of colours and fun selections?! $19.99 to ship to Canada?!!?! nevermind. Since she was heading to the states to visit we sent 4 bags to her Mom’s which she then was kind enough to squeeze into her luggage for the trip home.

I dumped it all out and divided it into wide and thin ribbons and cut TONS of pieces to make taggie blankets. A lot of it is polka dot and so fun and nice vibrant colours.

Ok I am going to attempt to go to bed, this will be the earliest in I don’t know how long. I’ve been creating into the wee hours, or my brain keeps me up with thoughts connected to creating! My friend and I are making a run for the border tomorrow for some shopping, for all that stuff no one will ship to us poor Canadians, so I need my rest!

Sew Liberated, and some cute shoes too!

Wesley went to a March Break camp today for half the day, which is kinda funny since he doesn’t go to school so it’s not really March Break for him.  But it is for me!!  So I took Nate to the mall, where we somehow managed to waste the entire 3 hours.  Had enough time to pick up some lunch and retrieve Wesley at noon.

I went to the mall for new running shoes.  Which I found . . . . along with a new sewing book and another pair of shoes, and some sale items at Old Navy.   It was a productive and eventful morning.

This is the pile of juice pouches my cousin saved for me, thanks to her 6 year old’s sleepover this weekend!

When I got home from enjoying some time at the park with the kids the mail had arrived.  There were 2 fun things!  Greetings from one of my Happy Mail pals and some fun gifts from Peptogirl, once again.

When we got home at noon I brought up a bunch of stuff to do in the kitchen while Nate napped, but I did other stuff and then we went to the park.  So  now to get cutting all this fabric for taggie blankies and crayon cozies!

These are the running shoes I picked up, which I’m beginning to think I liked because subconsciously they reminded me of my slippers.  Note the well worness of the slippers compared to the shiny newness of the runners.

Friday’s productivity.

This was my pile of crafts and related to dos that I brought up to the kitchen table figuring I could get more done upstairs while home with the kids.

Considering we spent the morning at a drop in play, stopped at Staples, came home for Nate’s nap, and I took the kids to indoor play for about 1 1/2 this evening I had a pretty productive  creative day!  They didn’t have baths like I planned but a load of laundry got done, the dishwasher was unloaded and reloaded and dinner was made . . . wait! I even swept and mopped the floors!

I finished this Style School project from way back when.  I found the clip board while poking around in a drawer and it was perfect for what I wanted.

I got a start on the bean bags I’ve been wanting to make for the kids.  Had the letters cut out for a while, so I was able to stick them to my Steam-a-Seam and line them up on the fabric.  Didn’t actually get to the iron yet, which is in the basement.  See I get things done upstairs!

I’m still unsure about what to use as a filling.  I suppose taking things too literally, I assumed I would just go to Bulk Barn and get beans.  Then I did some reading online and now I’m unsure.  Rice was suggested on one site, even going far enough to say you can wash rice and just air dry it and all will be fine.  Not too sure about that one.  So I’ll research more before the actual filling of the bags.

Didn’t actually mail my Happy Mail envelopes yet but they’re mostly ready to go.  I did send off the little card/note that is to go first.  Put them in a mailbox and everything!  Went to Fabricland and got some interfacing and minky stuff for more baby blankies.  I bought sticker paper at Staples and printed the fun free designs Elsie gave us at the end of Style School.  I jazzed up the binder I used for that class and updated it since I’m going to use it for Indie 2.0.  I tracked down a tote bag I’ve been looking for.  I didn’t get to embroidering my thrift store cardigan, carving more stamps or embroidering the cover for Nate’s counting book but I’d say I had a pretty darn good day!

OH! and this is my second post today!