Tag Archives: kool aid jammers

Jam filled weekend.

Spent most of my weekend doing this. I also depleted my stash of Kool Aid Jammer pouches! Which means I either have to buy them for my kids to drink, which is sugar they don’t need, or I need to get begging!

Happy Tuesday

Hello if you’re popping over from My Girl Thursday! If you aren’t, head on over there’s a big giveaway right now.

I’m ridiculously excited about something I made on the weekend. Which is kinda funny since it’s made from garbage. I’ve had this idea for months and finally got around to making myself one.

Back at the beginning of my blog I took apart my hubby’s beloved travelling backback. He was throwing it out and I figured those buckles and straps would come in handy some day. Turns out I was right. I used the clasp, a D ring and the other little thingie that makes the strap adjustable. I was on a role Sunday making this and realised I didn’t have any new straping so I decided to use what I had from that backpack. Note: Don’t use 10 year old backpack straps on new creations.

It holds a ton, and can handle weight, that I knew already from my beach bag. There’s my ipad, purse organizer, coin purse (all made by me), wallet and a few other things.

I hung the bag on the hook overnight full of all my things for work, including my camera to take pics. Then as I walked out the door wearing it the strap broke. So I quickly resewed it. It broke again. It was so brittle it was just snapping. I tried to tie it in a knot just to make due and get to work and it just snapped each time. So last night I replaced the strap with new materials after a stop at the sewing store on the way home.

First feature and giveaway!

This time I’m over here at The Monster and Me. Check out their fun blog and enter my giveaway! Up for grabs this time is a medium Kool Aid Jammer tote.

Go check them out and enter the giveaway!

Sew Liberated, and some cute shoes too!

Wesley went to a March Break camp today for half the day, which is kinda funny since he doesn’t go to school so it’s not really March Break for him.  But it is for me!!  So I took Nate to the mall, where we somehow managed to waste the entire 3 hours.  Had enough time to pick up some lunch and retrieve Wesley at noon.

I went to the mall for new running shoes.  Which I found . . . . along with a new sewing book and another pair of shoes, and some sale items at Old Navy.   It was a productive and eventful morning.

This is the pile of juice pouches my cousin saved for me, thanks to her 6 year old’s sleepover this weekend!

When I got home from enjoying some time at the park with the kids the mail had arrived.  There were 2 fun things!  Greetings from one of my Happy Mail pals and some fun gifts from Peptogirl, once again.

When we got home at noon I brought up a bunch of stuff to do in the kitchen while Nate napped, but I did other stuff and then we went to the park.  So  now to get cutting all this fabric for taggie blankies and crayon cozies!

These are the running shoes I picked up, which I’m beginning to think I liked because subconsciously they reminded me of my slippers.  Note the well worness of the slippers compared to the shiny newness of the runners.