I made a promise to myself the other day to complete some projects from the various sewing books I have purchased recently. So the other night I sat down to create a sewing machine cover. Behold.

I cracked open my trusty copy of One Yard Wonders and decided to play.

I just happened to have a piece of fabric nearly the perfect size, 1 inch less, and some of my fun wood grain print left over from some Style School projects. I used plain brown fabric on the inside of the pocket to conserve what little wood grain print I have left. It’s just too fun to use on the *inside* of something.

The pattern called for these little box corner thingies, which I have never done and I must say I was quite nervous about cutting into my perfectly well sewn project to make new corners. It all turned out well in the end of course.

I added some rick rack to the pocket, just because. I resisted adding buttons as well since I thought that might make it all little too much like my Style School notebook cover. Not sure exactly what one puts in a pocket on the front of a sewing machine but I’m sure I’ll find something.

This was my first project of my 4 project evening a few days ago, so of course, once I finished this lovely cover I had to take it off to sew the next thing on my list. I wasn’t sure where to put it while the machine was in use. Then I had a brilliant idea . . . it makes a great chair topper, complete with pocket!