Tag Archives: kid crafts

Happy Mother’s day to all the mothers!

Hope everyone is having a great Mother’s day. Just wanted to wish everyone well for today and share the cute little craft Wesley brought home from pre-school this week, tea for me!

The little poem says, “On Mother’s Day at 1/2 past three, make yourself a cup of tea.”

My hubby pointed out that the tea bag is actually glued into the little pocket, hehe oops. It’s still super cute.

Have a fantastic day ladies!

Why staying at home with the kids rocks.

Today is my day off, I work every other day, so 2 days one week, 3 days the next and repeat!  Last week on one of my days off we stopped at Michael’s to pick some things up and Wesley just randomly asked to go see the bird houses.  He said he wanted to get one so I figured we’d run with it.

We grabbed some sealer to spray over it once it was painted and some birdseed to fill it with.  He started by painting over the windows, which I had covered in tape, but he was really into it.  After some redirecting, he got the hang of it and was painting the wood.  He started with blue paint but I wandered off to put Nate down for a nap he ended up pouring some pink and white into it and stirring it up.  So it ended up mostly purple.

After many, many coats of varathane I figured it was good enough and we filled it with food and I hung it outside.  Then I had to move it so we could see it from the kitchen window and avoid going out into the freezing cold.  I haven’t seen a bird at it yet but hopefully someone will notice it’s there soon!

Spontaneous craft.

I really enjoy reading the Frugal Family Fun Blog, I’ve come up with similar ideas for either my classroom or my kids.  One day we were out somewhere and our son was getting restless.  I grabbed a stick and started to form it into letters for him to guess.  We made a W for Wesley and some other letters I knew he would recognize.    Today, after playing in the yard for a while he came running to the door to tell me he found letters.  He had a pile of sticks and was excitedly telling me all the letter he had found.