I have a bunch of things photographed and tons of posts to write. I decided to share some thing by sharing some link love this week. So the next 5 days will be spent doing just that.
To kick it all off here’s a glimpse at some of the great accessories I’ve been accumulating recently. I’ve suddenly fallen in love with brooches and pendants and I’ve acquired a nice collection.

I made these 2, I’m particularly proud of the deer one. I bought a clearance pendant and yanked out the middle, the I cut a fun piece of fabric to fit inside. I glued it down with some Modge Podge, this seems to seal the fabric a bit, then I poured Dimensional Magic on top. DM is finicky, one moment it’s all nice and air bubble free, the next moment you look back and it’s like ninja bubbles have appeared. I tend to pour it in when I know I’m going to be sitting right there crafting so I can watch it. I seem to have about an 80% success rate with which pendants turn out, I’m happy this one worked out so beautifully.
The owl was a no brainer, I picked up all the pieces at Michael’s and just put it all together.

1. Garlic Paws from Denture Thief
2. Handmade gift from Amy
3. Cat eye glasses necklace by Isette
4. The Fox and the Tea Cup by Stephanie
5. In person at a craft sale, can’t find their Etsy shop right now
6. Mint Designs
7. Birthday gift from Tabatha bought from Beauty Spot.
8. Yellow Heart Art