So I joined Raverly waaaay back when but didn’t do much with it. I don’t even know how to knit and can only crochet squares (in one colour) so I didn’t do much with it. BUT I went on to check out the bag my friend Joanna finished and got clicking around and saw things I’d like to make. So I logged in and started favouriting, which led to putting patterns in my library, and going on a yarn buying run to Michael’s today *sigh* Nevermind the gazillion projects I’m in the middle of right now, like I need more!!
Here’s some of the things I fell in love with, it appears links won’t help you as you have to be signed in so I’ve linked to blogs instead.
Love, love, love this sweater by Flint Knits. Probably because it’s green and that seems to be my new colour bff but it’s really nice and I fully intend to make one.

I love this brilliant idea for it’s eco-friendliness and cost effectiveness. I stopped using our swiffer (it was left in the house by the previous owners) because I never remembered to get, or could be bothered to pay for, the little refill thingies. Problem solved with this little pattern!

I NEED to make my boys some of these hats. I had been looking around the net trying to find a nice free pattern. Silly me forgetting about Ravelry. Thanks to Coffee Bra for sharing.

This bag by Lykkefanten, who is apparently only on ravelry, so if you’re a member seek her(?) out.