Tag Archives: tea

I hope you had a great Christmas.

Things were a bit bumpy around here for me. The first post-separation batch of holidays. It was a trial navigating them. But I have survived, as I always will.

I was a little down realizing, since my kids are so young and I’m manless, I wasn’t sure I’d have a gift to open. Which isn’t about the gifts I was just more sad about what I had lost and realizing I’d have to fill my own stocking. Lame pathetic thoughts like that.

But my best friend came to my rescue, as good best friends do. She took my boys out and had them choose something for me. When she brought them back that night she said “Your boys know you well” and I was so proud. The kids were all secretive and “Don’t come in here Mom!” while they wrapped things. Putting them under the tree with a “It’s nothing special going on in here” and such. It was cute.

So on Christmas morning I opened these great gifts.

Wesley chose the tea mug. Which is an amazing pic for me. I drink tea constantly, love it out of big mugs and the quote nails it too.

Nate chose the polar bear. I was a bit puzzled when I opened it and when I looked at him he was soooo incredibly excited and blurted out “Because you like bears Mom!!!! Right!!!!” He was bouncing up and down and everything. It was the sweetest thing ever.

Bear has been the centrepiece at every meal since. I think it might be a bookend because I know they were shopping in the bookstore, but I’m not 100% sure. It’s definitely a super sweet gift and a story I’ll remember.

Treasury time!

Made this as part of Back To School month over at Meremade. It’s sort of my fall/teacher/learning/girl wish list. Sharing it with you!

‘Back to school’

















Treasury tool supported by the dog house

New cozy design.

I had a custom order that involed this sort of idea a while back. Then I handstitched it for the order but since then I decided to make a screen print of it. But then it was the great ‘to cute face’ or ‘not to cute face’ debate.

I decided on the cute face. I blame this on knowing Mollie.

Frankie and tea.

I had a silly idea the other day and decided to execute it. Here’s the result.

It’s super silly, but so adorably funny too! Yes, he wraps all the way around.

I also made this one, someone requested a custom order before the holidays for a cozy like this and I thought it would make a good tea drinker’s cozy.

The only thing is, and I’m not sure if this is just spending too long knowing Mollie, but I’m really leaning towards putting a cute little face on that tea cup. Opinions?

It’s tea time!

Last year while working at a craft event I picked myself up one of these tea thingies. Mostly it was supposed to be a way to get me to use up all the loose tea I have lying around. Usually I just toss a boring orange pekoe tea bag in the bottom and add hot water.

With the cooler weather on the way I decided to finally stitch up a little cozie for it. Then I can take it down to my creative area late at night and have cup after cup of tea!

I used some scraps I had lying around. Also, I snuck in these great wooden buttons I had from a previous Etsy purchase. The fantastic apples came from a bundle I ordered recently from Sara at The Split Stitch. I keep missing her other stash packs in her shop, curse me for being behind in my Google reader! I’m a sucker for scraps.

The inside is also scraps of fabric all quilted together, guess I should take a picture of that part too . . . when it’s not warming tea.

Crafty British imports part 2

Behold the other fun little book I ordered from waaaaaaay over there!

Now for the ridiculous part (aside from ordering it overseas and then having my Mother In Law carry it all the way here) is that I can’t knit. But I totally plan to learn now. I mean how cute are these?!

Good thing I work in a profession that is mostly women. I’m sure I can bribe someone at work to teach me the ropes!


Woohoo!! Head over here and enter a giveaway to win one of my lovely cup cozies.

You just have to visit my shop and then leave Ms Muffins a comment about which one you like best! Giveaway closed September 28th.

In a faraway land . . .

well to me, Ms Muffins over in Germany is dedicating her blog to all things tea this month! Here’s how I fit in.

She’s had some really cute ideas so far, including this lovely gem. Tutorial for the wreath is here.

This is super fun too, great way to use thrifted finds! Tutorial here.

Can’t wait to see what else she posts! There might even be some giveaways! I mean, I’m just saying . . . there might be ;)