I’ve been floundering trying to decide on how to prettily package my items I sell. I know it’s so fun to get something all wrapped up beautifully, it’s enough of a present to get your order, then it’s like another present to have it look beautiful. It doesn’t determine wether or not I re-order from that person, but it does make me smile.
![IMG_8238 [800x600]](http://www.sewtara.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_8238-800x600.jpg)
I absolutely adore all the MOO products I’ve accumulated but I’ve noticed it can get pricey to decorate your items with pretty packaging so I was looking for a inexpensive way to create some packaging and reusing things I already have is a bonus.
![IMG_8235 [800x600]](http://www.sewtara.com/wp-content/uploads/IMG_8235-800x600.jpg)
I gathered some paper stuff I had lying around, used envelopes, those return envelopes that for some reason still come with all the bills I pay online and some pages from an old atlas. I cut them up into little rectangles sized to fit my SewTara custom stamp.

Then I SewTara’d one side, punched a hole at one end and used these cool kraft reinforcements I’ve had sitting around waiting for the perfect use. You can also find white or coloured reinforcements in stores.

On the other side I stuck a small piece of Japanese washi tape to create a little canvas for my thank you message.

This would be a great technique for gift tags. There’s even little ‘To: From:” stamps out there you could use if you didn’t want to just write it. Every year when I pack away the Christmas decorations I keep the stack of cards we received. Next year I’m going to turn those into tag for all our gift giving fun!