Category Archives: createalong

Easy Peasy Necklace organization

I finally got around to making this little fellow for my growing accessories collection.

I picked up the plaque at Michael’s, it’s just one of those plain wood ones. Then I screwed in some hooks here and there, painted it a fun colour and stapled some baker’s twine to the back!

Nail in wall and voila!

Friday Create Along.

So you know what I should have been doing yesterday with my afternoon off, no not attending 3 appointments, I *should* have been photographing my finished bag!

I promise to snag some pics over the weekend.

Also I’m going to make this next.

You may be able to find it elsewhere but that’s where I bought it.

Friday Create Along

Ok here’s what’s up next this patchwork bag,

Part of me really wants to try this pouch, then the other part of me says “Isn’t that bias tape/piping? . . . oh.”

I’ve been collecting projects on my To Create board on Pinterest.

Go check it out, add more to your To Do pile, please, someone join me in this madness!

Friday Create Along

Made this neat little pouch for my phone. Yes of course it’s a Michelle Patterns pattern, I’m so addicted.

It was ridiculously easy to whip up. It’s super cheap because it’s only the pattern pieces and some very brief notations, but since I own almost all her patterns and I’ve sewn a lot it was easy to figure out the assembly bit.

Now I’m going to be smart and not choose my next project, with the first week of school looming next week I’m going to be realistic and know that I won’t have time to sew something new. Instead I’ll post a really fun tutorial, an item of my own creation! That hasn’t happened in a while. So yeah, next Friday, super awesome cool stuff.

Friday CreateAlong

Whew, sure it was almost midnight but I finished it!!

Tada! Hexies do look so pretty all together, but I’m really not sold on them considering how much work they take. Thank to OCD for sharing the tutorial. And my apologies for crediting OCD the pattern is actually from The Plaid Scottie, she was just guest posting, I should really read fine print.

I had some trouble with the assembly after the zipper part. Having made lots of zippered pouches I undestood that step, but someone new to installing a zipper in a lined pouch might be confused. Sewing gets really spatial sometimes and you have to be able to visualize the end while you’re going along, that can be hard the first time. I tried to assemble it my own way when I didn’t understand her instructions but then I had to get cozy with Mr Stitch Ripper. Then I gave the instructions a second try and managed to get it.

Next up, the Melinda Zipper Pouch from I Think Sew.

Friday Createalong

Ok, since it took me ages to finish my last project, that I only revealed on Monday, I thought it best to just wait until Friday to pick a new one.

So next up is this pouch from Obsessive Crafting Disorder.

You will need a piece of hexies that looks like this. Then you’re going to trim off the edges and make it smaller, I hate this part. Ever teeny tiny millimetre of hexie bit is such a huge labour, I can’t bear to even trim it down! But hey, that’s how it goes.

23 hexies, I can handle that, please someone play along with me.

Pretty please?

Monday hexies, yes finally.

While this should be a Create Along reveal I can’t even bare to claim it as one it’s taken me so long to finish this project!

I had about 40 or so hexies all ready made but I needed 57 to get this project under way and I totally underestimated how long these things take! Perhaps if it was fall or winter and I was stuck inside watching shows or lazing about more, but with it being summer holidays the kids and I are keeping busy and I just found I didn’t have time for making hexies constantly.

The only thing that saved me was 2 Fridays ago my hubby came home and decided we were going to rip up the lineoleum and lay down the ceramic tiles we got on crazy discount. Did I mention he’s a programmer and I’m a teacher? It was apparent rather quickly we had no clue what we were doing. We had shipped the kids off for a Saturday night sleepover in some sort of dilluted ambitious hope we’d actually tile our floor ourselves. We gave up and called in reinforcements. So as Sunday evening approached and our fridge was in the livingroom and stove in the side yard I packed up some stuff and the kids and headed to the lovely home of my inlaws for a few days.

I camped out here and because their house is HUGE I barely saw the kids, they were happy to play with vintage Star Wars toys and visit with Grandma and Grandpa. Also, it’s a ridiculously bright sunny room and it was so awesome for crafting. One day a crazy thunderstorm moved in and it was awesome to watch it from this room since it has 3 sides of giant windows.

I took the kids to the park and tried to hexie but they were all over me.

I watched PanAm episodes and hexied away!

The kids played in the ‘carriage house’ construction mess.

Then last night I stayed up way to late assembling the pouch. The tutorial is fantastic, I love the finished edges on the openings for the frame. Sadly my frames are slightly larger than the one listed in the pattern, so mine sticks out a bit. I’ll go on a quest for a smaller frame soon because it totally bugs me like this.

Also, I have no clue how women made these things in the ‘old’ days, I get that they save scraps and use every little bit but my gosh they take oodles of time. It also pained me greatly to actually cut the big piece down a bit to make what I needed for the project, even those teeny scraps of hexies were painful to toss out!

I am no HTML expert, honest

Well I did a bunch of work tidying up my blog layout and some pages over the weekend but I also broke a whole bunch too. Luckily I have one of those computer programmer husband things so he was able to come to my rescue.

I now have all my DIY projects in a nice fun table on the DIY page.

I’ve got all the Create Along projects listed as well on the Create Along page.

I also made my social media icons smaller and much more subtle, they were bright crazy colours before. They were the colours from my blog palette but still too bright. If you want to find me I’m sure you can figure it out, they don’t have to hit you over the head.

I also wanted to take a moment to just say thanks for reading my blog. It’s coming up on 4 years of this wonderful thing and it’s been so much fun. What started as a personal journal of creativity for my eyes only has grown into so much more and I’m so happy that I can continue with it and that others are sharing in my fun.

Friday Create Along

Oh hexies.

I’ve underestimated your power.

I’ve had this pile of hexies in progress for a while, and I really thought I’d have enough together to pull off the pouch.

But alas, I do not.

So perhaps next week?

Friday Create Along.

Well once again thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway and congrats again to Rachel for winning the pattern. Here’s what I made.

I used a Heidi Grace print I picked up on one of my US trips, I haven’t seen her fun fabric here in Canada yet. I choose a green print for the inside with little flowers because it had a circular pattern like the outside print.

I loved seeing everyone’s ideas for how they would use their creations, of course most of them had to do with projects. I’m going to put my business reading in mine. I have a bunch of craft and small business books I’ve been meaning to get through. I thought I’d get to them over the summer but so far no such luck!

If you would like to make your own BLISSFULpatterns has created a coupon code, SEWTARA15, for 15% off any of her patterns until the end of July. You can also like her on that Facebook thing.

I may have to give this bin a try. Not that I need one, I just like to sew new stuff! Plus the picture is adorable!

Ok, next up is this flex frame pouch tutorial. I have a few of these frames lying around and I’ve managed to pull one off by fumbling through the instructions in a Japanese craft book I have. But I’m going to go on a hexie binge and this is up first.

There’s lots of hexie tutorials out there, I learned how from Zakka Style, but just Google it if you haven’t made some before. Start making them now if you want to play along in the next few weeks.