Category Archives: scraps

Friday Create Along

Here’s my awesome little phone cozies! I made the owl one according to the pattern but my iPhone 3 has a case (after I smashed it at school last year) so it’s a little thicker than it should be. I made the button fabric one to fit my phone.

Next I want to try these fun little macaron coin purses.

**UPDATE** I got my snaps at this great store. The colours are amazing and the selection is fantastic! I was really happy with them. I

Friday Create Along

Here are some reveals.

Wipe container letters and numbers? Ta da!

Lavender sachets? Ta da!

Crocheted slippers? . . . pass for now.

Up next this cute little phone pouch pattern available from Nap Kitten. I assure you this pattern is much easier than her wallet, ailment which kicked off this Create Along adventure.

I won!

I’m still a tad in shock. I’m not one for running all over and entering giveaways, unless it’s something I really like. Sometimes I’m just so behind in my RSS I miss the fun all together. Well this time, let me tell you, I’m super glad I went and entered because I won!!!

What did I win you may be asking . . . I can barely bring my self to type it I’m so thrilled, an embroidery hoop masterpiece from Lucky Jackson!!!!!

And I get an email saying go to the shop and pick one. Pick one. Seriously, how!?

Lookit these things? They’re fantastic.

People wonder how I have time to create so many things, I’m following patterns, or making 10 at a time, or spending 1 day madly crafting and not touching it again for a week. This lady makes one of these things every single day. I’m amazed. And then she says “how weird is it you won and I’m a fan of your blog?!” I love the handmade community.

You can see the works so far here in this Flickr pool.

I’ve been making hexies.

Like a lot.

They’re ridiculously addictive.

I was inspired by Rachel’s hexie kit I stumbled upon while Googling hexies and sort of put one of my own together. I thought I had a punch but it appears I have every shape but a hexagon, it figures.

The pouch houses all my hexie worthy scraps, scissors, thread and the paper pieces. Then I keep my other scissors (why two? who knows) in the other container and plunk the finished hexies in there. I had a bunch that I’ve already sewn together but they’ve already moved down to my production area (aka corner of the basement).

DIY fabric covered wooden brooch

One of my goals is to accessorize more and while I have bought a few things here and there I figured I should also make my own pretty things.

You will need:
– a scrap of fabric
– a wooden cut out
– glue gun
– pin back
– scissors
– Modge Podge or white glue

Trace your wood shape on the wrong side of your fabric. If you have a special part of the pattern you want to capture make sure you’ve placed it in the right place.

Spread Modge Podge on the wooden piece. Cut out the fabric and place it on.

Plug in your glue gun and add your pin back with a little blob of hot glue. You may need to trim excess fabric from places with small scissors or an exacto knife.

Next have someone around to take a finished photo for you because propping a camera up on items and hoping for a good shot is very hit and miss.

You get the idea.

My zakka style

I mentioned yesterday I got a copy of Zakka Style just before the holidays. So far it has been responsible for intriguing me enough to actually try making hexies (I had an idea for how to use them) and I managed to sneak this project in on Christmas day. You know, between the chaos of presents and packing and leaving for a trip, I had a few minutes to kill.

I wanted to take the book, my idea notebook and some pens with me on the trip. I couldn’t just take them in some silly plain old pencil case, I *had* to make this cute one. Plus that cute piece of fabric has been begging to be turned into something for quite a while.

Winter cleaning happy mail?

I’ve been clearing my work area and I plan on kicking butt on all these half finished projects cluttering up my space. While I was going that I came across a bunch of neglected, unloved supplies. Perfectly good things but I haven’t used them in ages or probably won’t get to using them.

I had the idea of doing a giveaway but then I thought maybe other people are having the same problem and we could set up a swap. I’ve got some things that came as freebies with Etsy orders, or items from other swaps, cute sticky notes, stickers and of course ribbon, fabric and buttons that I’ll probably never get to using!

Sooooo anyone want to play along? Sign up below until Wednesday January 11th. I’ll match us up (open internationally unless you tell me otherwise) and email partners so you can work out addresses and such. I suppose the contents should cost about $10-$15 but I’m hoping we can all just share some neglected creative stuff and pass it on to someone who may be inspired. Of course you can also include a handmade by you item, I know I will.

I was also hoping this post will distract from the fact that I haven’t completed a CreateAlong project in a while . . . next week I’ll reveal all my neglected projects, I promise!

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!! Part 2 of 2

Here’s my scrap goodie bag giveaway! Cup cozy giveaway is here. Feel free to enter both. Sorry, giveaways are all done.

One lucky winner will get 10 ounces of fun scraps from my stash! I’m sure I’ll toss in some other fun goodies too. Picture below is just a random scrap photo I had, actual scraps will vary.

Leave a comment and good luck!

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!! Part 1 of 2

Yipee!!! It’s here again! Sorry this giveaway is all done.

Here’s my handmade item my I

Perfect to keep your hand nice and cool while you enjoy your favourite warm beverage.

I’m also giving away 10 ounces of fabric scraps, enter that one here. I have a bit of an addiction and I’m sharing it with you. Here are some of my recent scrap acquisitions, you’ll get a random surprise pack made up of this and that (possibly with bits and pieces of what’s below)

Amazing scraps!

I was really on the ball and packaged up my scrap swap packages quick and even ran off to the post office instead of leaving them in the car for days. Then on the weekend I popped over to my friend Tabatha‘s house where we did a little swap of our own. It was supposed to be my yellow wood grain for her green wood grain but when I got there she couldn’t find it. Instead she let me pick some pieces and then she let me raid her ‘scrap bin’ which I have to say looks way better than my fabric stash! And it’s her scraps!! Pieces she doesn’t even really care about anymore!

Part of me felt bad that I hadn’t gone there before I made my packages for the swap. Then part of me was happy because now I get this cool stuff to play with. Yeah, I’m selfish like that, mostly when it comes to beautiful fabric.