Ok so I’m pretty proud of myself and this lovely tote I made. It used up a bunch of really fun scraps, thank you swaps and Tabatha’s beautiful scrap donations, and I learned some really neat stuff.

I made it with things I had on hand. It’s not hard to find scrap fabric in my house. I cut up a fleece blanket I had lying around in a donate pile, I was just finally about to run out and buy some batting when I remembered that Diego blanket was there and decided it would do. For the bottom of the tote I cut up the legs of a pair of jeans that were too big. I had interfacing and plenty of fabrics lying around to make pockets and line it.

I found the quilting as you go part really cool. Before starting Quilt-As-You-Go: Patchwork Bags I assumed I’d be quilting all the pieces together and then quilting them to the batting. But this whole, just grab a piece and do it as you go was really fun and the effect is great!

I chose a green thread for the denim bottom, I thought it would show up and add some fun contrast but once I got sewing it just disappeared into the fabric anyway, oh well.

I also did something wonky because when I cut a lining piece it didn’t match my outer piece. I messed something up. My bag does seem shallow so I’m not sure what I did but I just kept that lining piece and figured I’ll make another outer tote for it!
Now I knew about the zipper trick already thanks to Lisa Lam’s book, but the quilting technique was brilliant and the bias tape part of this class was just amazing. It’s forever changed how I’ll attach bias tape. I’ve always hated using the stuff but this was super easy and I love the finished look. I’ve made my own tape before but I used Tara’s tutorial on her blog just to be sure I was doing it right.

I have to say I love Tara’s teaching and her sewing style is so laid back and fun, totally like me. Must be a teachers named Tara thing. I went into Fabricland with my tote on my shoulder the other day and shocked a lady in line. She said, a bit insultingly with what sounded like disbelief in her voice “You didn’t make that did you?”. I informed her that yes indeed I did and then suddenly the rest of the line up and the teller were admiring my bag. Tara Rebman- Quilt-As-You-Go: Patchwork Bags“>This class is soo worth buying.